Personality Development Classes

Excellent Teaching, Coaching, Training & Developing People of all Ages Program-Content is rich and unique Designed an array of programs to address the needs of various sections of people Institute is fully equipped with professionals to undertake its programs. In its mission to deliver excellence, the Institute ensures that all its Trainers are re-trained periodically to address to the latest needs & trends of the field.
Definition of Personality
Character Traits
Persuasion & Influence on Others
Choose what you want in Life
The Void: Where The Change Process Stops Us
How Are You Sabotaging Yourself?
Unleashing the Full Potentials of Your Mind
Analyze Yourself
Personality Development Tips

Communication Skills Program

The Purpose of Communication is to get your message across to others. Many people continue to struggle with inability to communicate their thoughts and ideas effectively whether in verbal or written format. Poor communication skills make it nearly impossible to compete effectively in the workplace. Every person will have his or her own experience about reality. They may choose to share this experience with others through language or other modes of communication. This Course will enhance their communication skills in:

What is Communication Skills?
Communication Apprehension – Assessment
Communication Skills – The Need
Public Speaking
Non-Verbal Communication (Body Language)
Effective Business Communication
Meeting Skills
Negotiating Skills
Presentation Skills

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